Friday, August 2, 2013

Rogine's Beauty Care Beauty Products

Php 65

Arche Pearl Cream is the favorite Asian skin cream for acne, freckles, and dark spots of the skin. Use Arche Pearl Cream every day for very effective treatment of these skin conditions. Arche Peal Cream also whitens the skin and gives it a lighter shade of complexion.

Directions: Apply after cleansing, toning, and moisturizing your face.

Php 250

A pre-mixed skin whitening beauty aid in a single powder form. It is formulated with the most advanced skin care ingredients to give you more balanced and radiant light skin complexion with soft and smooth clear skin results. It is effective in cleansing the skin and opening up the pores to prevent the skin from forming pimples.

Directions: Mix bleaching powder with water and spread all over skin and let it dry. Once it is dry, wash off with damp towel or water.


Available in:
150 ml = 300 Php
300 ml = 600 Php
500 ml = 1,000 Php

Skin Whitening, Moisturizer, Anti Aging, Sunblock. Get that white, fair complexion in just a matter of seconds from the time of application!

Directions: Use as lotion, apply all over the body and you will see fast results. Over time, repeated application will whiten/bleach your skin resulting in permanent whitening effects.

These whitening products are mainly made from kojic acid, fruit acids, licorice extracts, glycerine, and cetyl alcohol and they are BFAD approved so Rogine's have been making and selling them for almost a decade now. 

( See the Difference with/ without bleaching cream applied on the legs.)


Available in:
120 ml = 150 Php
250 ml = 300 Php

Honey is a humectant, which means that it is very good at attracting moisture and retaining it. Washing your skin with honey will help it to stay moisturized and keep your skin from flaking and is suitable for ALL SKIN TYPES. Honey will also provide a temporary glow when applied to your skin and left on for 5 or 10 minutes.


Directions: After washing your face with soap/facial cleanser, apply facial honey and leave for more or less 5 minutes then rinse with water.

Php 120

Kojic soap is primarily an exfoliating skin 

product that slowly gets rid of pigmentation  and dark spots by buffing away the damaged skin cells. This soap can be used not only for the face but also as a regular bath soap all over the body. Using Kojic soap on a regular basis may help reduce the appearance of age spots, eliminate or reduce freckles, reduce or eliminate skin discoloration from pregnancy and strengthen cell activity.


Available in:
60 ml = 300 Php

120 ml = 700 Php
250 ml = 1,400 Php

Acts as a whitening facial moisturizer. It moisturizes, lightens and softens your skin to appear radiant and younger looking.

Directions: Apply in the morning and at night after washing/cleansing the face.


Available in:
60 ml = 250 Php
120 ml = 500 Php
250 ml = 1,000 Php

For mild skin peeling purposes meant to diminish imperfections by peeling away the skin's top layers leaving it regenerated, smooth, and wrinkle free. It produces light peels for treatment of fine wrinkles, areas of dryness, uneven pigmentation and acne.

Directions: Apply in small amounts after cleansing and toning either in the morning or at night. Please take note that this will have a mild "sunburn" effect (slight redness and skin peeling), in usually 2-3 days after application.

I will only suggest mild peeling lotions for DIY purposes at home. Because strong peeling lotions might result in damage and inconvenience on your part if not applied accurately for there is a process that needs to be followed through especially for first-timers. For strong peeling procedures, I will suggest you have them done at Rogine's Beauty Care Salon.


Available in:
120 ml = 300 Php
250 ml = 600 Php

Acts as a whitening skin toner. It cleanses and tones the pores preventing the presence of whiteheads and blackheads leaving your skin smooth and silky.

Directions: Apply in the morning and at night after washing/cleansing the face.

Php 250
Best used on peeling skin to soften and remove the dead outer layer of the skin. While peeling, it is best to remove it with repair ointment so as not to cause any redness and irritation.

Directions: Apply only when skin is in the process of peeling to remove dead skin. Usually 3 days after application of PEELING LOTION.

Php 250

Moisturizer, Sunblock, Anti bacterial, Anti Irritation, Anti Redness, Whitening. Apply twice daily on your cleansed face after application of toner/moisturizer.

Directions: Apply after cleansing and toning.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

What is Chemical Peeling?

(Chemical Peeling before and after)
Please watch...

What is Chemical peeling? 
       A chemical peel is a body treatment technique used to improve and smooth the texture of the facial skin using a chemical solution that causes the dead skin to slough off and eventually peel off. The regenerated skin is usually smoother and less wrinkled than the old skin.
Chemical peeling is a technique used to improve the appearance of the skin that is typically performed on the face, neck or hands. In this treatment, a chemical solution is applied to the skin that causes it to "blister" and eventually peel off. The new, regenerated skin is usually smoother and less wrinkled than the old skin. The new skin is also temporarily more sensitive to the sun - See more at:
Chemical peeling is a technique used to improve the appearance of the skin that is typically performed on the face, neck or hands. In this treatment, a chemical solution is applied to the skin that causes it to "blister" and eventually peel off. The new, regenerated skin is usually smoother and less wrinkled than the old skin. The new skin is also temporarily more sensitive to the sun - See more at:

Skin Peel Benefits

A safe, non-toxic chemical solution is applied to your skin that gently polishes or resurfaces the skin, removing the damaged top layers. A skin peel stimulates new cell growth and collagen production to effectively reveal younger looking skin.
  • Your skin will be noticeably smoother and fresher looking
  • A chemical peel reduces signs of sun damage, dull and uneven skin tone, scars, pigmentation, acne and enlarged pores
  • Improves skin texture and condition by removing dead and damaged skin cells
  • Your skin will be brighter and clearer as a chemical peel stimulates the growth of healthy skin cells and collagen production
  • A skin peel penetrates the skin to smooth rough texture and discolouration
  • There are a range of skin peels available designed to treat specific skin conditions and types
  • All chemical peels at skin clinics are non-toxic and safe
Chemical peeling is a technique used to improve the appearance of the skin that is typically performed on the face, neck or hands. In this treatment, a chemical solution is applied to the skin that causes it to "blister" and eventually peel off. The new, regenerated skin is usually smoother and less wrinkled than the old skin. The new skin is also temporarily more sensitive to the sun - See more at:

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Beauty Products

Pink Lotion

 A sun-kissed glow is lovely to behold. But liver spots, mottled brown patches and large freckles on the face and hands are beauty banes that affect millions of women.
As you get older, your skin takes longer to regenerate. This is due to specific chemical imbalances within the body. Since your body is no longer maintaining the proper balance of chemicals, then you’ll have to give your skin a helping hand.
Uneven skin tone, primarily caused by an imbalance of melanin, your skins pigmentation agent.
The process affecting your skin is something called – hyperpigmentation.There are several causes of hyperpigmentation, These can include: sun damage, scars and hormonal imbalance.

There are several natural ways to avoid uneven skin tone but it takes a long time to see the results.In order to get rid of uneven skin tone in just 3 weeks you must use Rogine's Pink Lotion. It revitalizes and cleanses your skin which in turn makes it to look younger and whiter.For a faster result use Rogine's Bleaching Cream.

There is no time to be depressed of uneven skin tone! Use Rogine's beauty Care Products.

Directions for use:

1. Wet cotton with Rogine's Pink Lotion and apply it on your face.
2. Apply Rogine's Beaching cream into your body.

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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Beauty Products

Rogines Peeling Lotion

Category :

Sizes available:

  Size          Retail Price      Wholesale Price
  •  250ml           1400                1,300
  • 120ml              700                   600
  •   60ml              350                   300
   Size          Retail Price      Wholesale Price
  •  250ml           1200                1,100
  • 120ml              600                   500
  •   60ml              300                   250

Problems about pimples, dry skin, black heads, uneven skin color and sunburned skin, or you just simply want to look younger and fabulous?  
Don't worry! 

We have  solutions to your problems! 

"Beauty is an extension of a person, and to be truly beautiful one needs to be able to feel comfortable in the skin they are in."
 Rogine's Beauty Care is embedded to help individuals to achieve their dreams. All of us wished to have a whiter, younger and beautiful skin. The  main stream of our goal is by offering services such as chemical peeling. A chemical peel is a body treatment technique used to improve and smooth the texture of the facial skin using a chemical solution that causes the dead skin to slough off and eventually peel off.The regenerated skin is usually smoother and less wrinkled than the old skin

Uses & Benefits of Rogine's Peeling Lotion
  • use to peel off your skin
  •  revitalize 
  • refresh
  • younger skin
  • removes pimples, white and black heads
  • even skin tone
  • feeling celebrity

How to use :
  •  Wet cotton with peeling lotion and apply it on the skin wherever you wished to peel off to remove any dead skin. 
  • Do not washed it with water within 3 days for better results.  For more detailed steps please consult us this hotline no. 221-5323 or text 09075764245 and look for Ms. Marialyn Cario .

  "Feeling beautiful can affect ones happiness, as it can give greater confidence which allows them to be successful."

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Beauty Products


Available in 3 sizes:
  500ml                                                                                                   300ml
There are many products that work intensely on whitening your skin and promise all the results. Using these products helps lessen the high pigmentation in areas where birthmarks and moles can be seen. Rogine's Bleaching Cream is a product known to be effective in lightening any skin color in just a few seconds after applying it. It is an instant whitening Cream, anti-aging, moisturizer and sun block protection. Available in three sizes: 150ml for 300, 300ml for 600 and 500ml for 1000. Avail of 50 pesos discount in every item for buying large quantities. We also cater delivery. For faster transaction just call or sms 09075764245.

              When you are younger, it is actually hard to pick out imperfections in your skin, but as you age, you will notice more and more. Some of these are the result of aging and Mother Nature, but other discolorations may be the result of scarring, prescription medications, or even injuries or surgeries. By having a reliable and natural skin lightening cream, you will be able to treat those so that they don’t mar an otherwise beautiful skin.
             A skin lightening cream works by lightening the affected skin, or reducing the amount of pigment that is there. When you consider that going out in the sun or lying in a tanning bed will increase pigment, a lightening cream will do just the opposite. These creams have long been used by people of color who wanted to lighten all of their skin, but they are often used by just about every ethnicity as a way to get rid of imperfections such as age spots or scars.
            When you choose among the various skin lightening cream products that are available, you should pay very close attention to the ingredients that they include. The reason for this is because one of the traditional skin lighteners – hydroquinone – is about to be taken off of the market because of how dangerous it can be for your skin and your entire body for that matter.Therefore, choosing a product that uses natural ingredients, such as plant extracts, is usually a better way to go. Your choices might be few, but one product in particular seems to work very well among people of all colors, and that is Rogine's Beauty Cream. 
              This skin lightening cream is only sold online at this time, and you also need to be sure that you order it directly from the official web site in order to ensure that you don’t get a fake. When you order from the official site, you will get a money back guarantee on the product, a discounted price when you order more than one month’s worth at a time, plus you will also get the assurance that you are choosing a high quality and safe skin lightening cream.If you have a dark spot on your face or your body that you want to get rid of, Meladerm can certainly help you with that, but it is equally effective if you are trying to lighten your overall look – but that is up to you. Either way, choosing a natural product like this is the best way to take care of your skin, eliminate your hyperpigmentation, and have more confidence in your own skin.

Direction for use:

     1. Cleanse the body with Rogine's pink lotion.  (Read the other post about the uses of pink lotion)
     2. Apply Rogine's Bleaching Cream like a lotion. See the results after seconds.

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Friday, July 19, 2013


When skin warts appear, it can seem as if the harmless growths came out of nowhere.

      But common warts are actually an infection in the top layer of skin, caused by viruses in the human papillomavirus, or HPV, family. When the virus invades this outer layer of skin, usually through a tiny scratch, it causes rapid growth of cells on the outer layer of skin – creating the wart.People get warts from other people with warts, they don't get them from frogs and toads,” says Robert Brodell, MD, a dermatologist in Warren, Ohio. “The most common way is direct skin-to-skin contact, such as shaking hands with someone who has warts on their hand. You can also get the virus from inanimate objects, like towels that have been used by someone with a wart.”
        The viruses are more likely to cause warts when they come in contact with skin that is damaged or cut. Getting a small scrape or biting fingernails may bring on wart. Similarly, cuts and nicks from shaving can provide an avenue for infection. This explains why men may have warts in the beard area, while women often have them appear on the legs.

What are some types of common warts?

  • There is the familiar type of dome-shaped warts on the backs of fingers, toes, and knees.
  • Plantar warts are found on the sole or plantar surface of the foot (not to be mislabeled as a Planter's wart).
  • Flat ("plane") warts may arise on the face, legs, and other parts of the body, often in large numbers.
  • Periungual warts are warts around or under the nail.
  • Filiform warts typically appear as a single long stalk, often on the face.
Picture of a common wart
Even the name sounds unpleasant! Warts can be disfiguring and frustrating, as they are difficult to treat and do not have a definite cure. If you are burdened by the embarrassment of a common wart on your hand, face, foot, or other body part and you want to get rid about it then, you very welcome at Rogine's beauty care

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Thursday, July 18, 2013


  • FACIAL PEEL-OFF (6,500)

-Face down to shoulder line
-10 sessions : free bleaching every session & free facial                       care
 -with kit: peeling lotion 30 ml, facial honey 120 ml,                                 arche cream, repair cream & white cream

 -shoulder down to fingers
 -10 sessions:
                    free bleaching every session & free cleaning
  -w/ kit: peeling lotion 250 ml,green lotion 120ml,facial                         honey 120 ml, arche cream,repair cream(big) & white                       cream (big)


-Thigh down to toes
-10 sessions: free bleaching every sessions & free                                  cleaning
 -with kit: peeling lotion 250 ml, green lotion 120 ml,                            facial honey 120ml, arche cream,repair cream                                    (big)and white cream (big)

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